Useful information for a pleasant stay on the island.
Gran Canaria is a location rich in customs and traditions. The ideal place to spend a few relaxing days. However, it doesn’t just offer tranquillity, the island is very diverse and has many contrasts to offer, it is not called a “mini-continent” for nothing. The course of history has left a heritage of great archaeological, artistic, architectural and ethnographic value on the island, which bears witness to its cultural development. Particularly worthy of mention are:
The Museo Casa de Colón, the most famous museum in the Canary Islands, and the Cathedral — la Catedral de Canarias —, which is considered the most important religious monument in the Canarian architecture.
Also worth seeing are the archaeological sites of the island’s indigenous people, some of which have been successfully preserved. Above all, la Cueva Pintada, which is now open as a museum and archaeological park, and represents a symbiosis between nature and the hand of man.
If you would like to visit places where you can see the remains of pre-Hispanic culture in Gran Canaria, some sites worth mentioning are listed below:
Cenobio de Valerón – Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada – Necrópolis de Arteara – Punta Mujeres – Poblado de Tunte – Las Fortalezas – La Audiencia – Los Letreros de Balos – Risco del Canario – El Draguillo – Almogaren de Amurga – Cuatro Puertas – Poblado de Tufia – Poblado de Tara – La Restinga / Llano de la Brujas – Bandama – Cuevas de los Canarios – La Cerera – Bocabarranco / El Agujero / La Guancha – Necrópolis de Maipés -Poblado de Acusa – Cuevas de Caballero – Cueva de los Candiles – Bentayga / Cuevas del Rey – Poblado de Caserones – Castillete de Tabaibales -Majada Alta
What you should also know: In the Canary Islands there are many reasons to celebrate festivals: both cultural and religious events and of course, our famous Carnival.
The Fiestas de la Virgen del Pino (September, 8th), in honour of the island’s patron saint, are the most emotional celebrations in Gran Canaria.
Traditional gastronomy:
The cuisine cannot deny its rural roots, a classic dish being papas arrugadas con mojo picón or mojo verde (wrinkled potatoes with hot/green sauce). Dishes with goat meat, rabbit and various local fish are also typical. There are various almond products such as bienmesabe, which is made from almonds, but fruits such as mango, papaya, banana and guava are also grown in Gran Canaria. Other typical products of the island include Arehucas rum, Chorizo de Teror (Spanish sausage) and Gofio (roasted corn flour). There is even a small coffee plantation and some small wineries.
Traditional games and sports:
The lucha canaria(wrestling), el juego del palo (stick game), la bola canaria (ball throwing), levantamiento de arado (lifting), el salto del pastor (jumping), vela latina and lucha del garrote (club fighting) are playful practices that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Dances and songs that are typical of Gran Canaria:
These are generally common throughout the archipelago, although there are peculiarities on each island: Isas, folías, malagueñas, seguidillas; arrorró, which was incorporated into Canarian folklore in the 18th century.
We would like to invite you to get to know Gran Canaria in all its facets. Below you will find a list of tips for visiting historic districts, architecture, churches and monuments. For better orientation, we have also indicated the driving distance in kilometres from the hotel:
- Agaete (90km):Historical centre: Casco histórico Huerto de las Flores, churches (la Concepción y San Pedro), Hermitage Ermita de Las Nieves, San Sebastián y del Hornillo, Casa Fuerte.
- Agüimes (32km): Interpretation Centre from Agüimes historical centre, Templo Parroquial de San Sebastián, Caserío de Temisas, nearby: Barranco de Guayadeque. Cave museum, cave restaurants.
- Artenara (88km):Hermitage: Ermita de la Virgen de a Cuevita, Church Iglesia Parroquial de San Matías.
- Arucas (67km): San Juan Church and public square, Heredad de Aguas de Arucas y Firgas (Local drinking water production), local museum, Arucas Mountain, Arehucas rum factory, gardens “la Marquesa”, stone quarry “La Goleta”, cultural centre.
- Bandama (58 km): a large volcanic crater.
- Firgas (72km): San Roque church and square, cultural centre, Gofio windmill, Gran Canaria promenade and Canarias promenade, cattle breeder monument.
- Gáldar (82km):Historical group of Santiago square, Santiago de los Caballeros temple, sacred art museum, Antonio Padrón house-museum, local theater, municipal buildings, churches of San Sebastián, San Isidro, San Antonio, Nuestra Señora de la Vega, San José de Caideros… Archaeological painted caves park and museum
- Ingenio (36km):Historical centre, street sculptures, clock house, López’s windmill, Néstor Álamo Park, Casa de Postas, Bishop’s house.
- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (57km): Municipal buildings, Santa Ana Cathedral, Bishops palace, Regental house, Columbus house, Santo Domingo church, Gabinete Literario, Pérez Galdós theater, Pérez Galdós house-museum, Canarian Museum, Triana main street, San Francisco de Asís church, Ermita de San Telmo (church/Hermitage), Néstor museum, different castles (Castillo de la Luz, Mata y San Cristóbal), Technological and Science Elder Museum.
- Mogán pueblo (32km):Windmill Molino de Viento, Church Iglesia de Mogán Pueblo, Ancient hamlets Caseríos Antiguos.
- Moya (80km): Church Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Casa Museo Tomás Morales, Hermitage Ermita San Bartolomé y Heredad de Aguas de Moya, Cumbres and Doramas Natural Parks, Ethnographic Heritage.
- San Bartolomé de Tirajana (the region in which the hotel is located): Maspalomas Lighthouse, Hermitage Ermita de Fataga, Ayaguares de Arriba, Arteara, Ethnographic heritage Mundo aborigen.
- La Aldea de San Nicolás (56km): Church Iglesia de San Nicolás de Tolentino, Museo Vivo, Museo Escuela, Balcony house La Casa Balcón, Cactualdea, Water, Flour and Wind Mills.
- Santa Brígida (58km): Church Iglesia de Santa Brígida, Poblado Alfarero de la Atalaya, Park Parque Guiniguada.
- Santa Lucía de Tirajana (39km): Historic Centre Casco Histórico, Church Iglesia de Santa Lucía, Hermitage Ermita San Antonio de Bari, Ethnographic Heritage.
- Santa María de Guía (81km):Church Iglesia de Santa María de Guía, Church Iglesia del Hospicio Franciscano, Casa Quintana, Natal House Casa Natal de Néstor Álamo, Casa las Artesanías, Hermitage Hermitage Ermitas de San Sebastián y San Roque, Mill Molino de “La Laja“, Natal House Casa Natal del Canónigo Gordillo.
- Tejeda (49km): Church Iglesia y Plaza de Nuestra Señora de Socorro, Rincón de Néstor, Museo de Esculturas de Abraham Cárdenes, Public Park Parque Público, Cruz de Tejeda, Archaeological Centre Centro Arqueológico de Bentayga.
- Telde (44km):Historic Centre Cascos Históricos de San Francisco, San Juan y San Gregorio. Heritage Ermita de San Pedro Mártir, Basílica de San Juan Bautista e Iglesia Neoclásica de San Gregorio.
- Teror (69km):Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pino, Plaza de Pino, Bishop´s Palace Palacio Episcopal y Alameda, Plaza de Teresa Bolivar, City Council Ayuntamiento, Street Calle Real de la Plaza, Finca Osorio, Monastery Monasterio del Cister, Convent Convento de las Dominicas, Hermitage Ermita de Lapeña, Hermitage Ermita de San Isidro, Finca de Osorio.
- Valleseco (76km): Church Iglesia de San Vicente Ferrer, Área Recreativa de La Laguna de Valleseco, Barranco de la Virgen, Calderetas.
- Valsequillo (54km): Church Iglesia de San Miguel, Viewpoint Mirador de El Helechal, Cuartel de El Colmenar, Oratorio de la Virgen de la Salud.
- Casco Histórico de San Mateo y Las Lagunetas (65km), Hermitage Ermita de Lourdes, Molino y Lavadero de Utiaca, Mills, Pozos y Galerías de agua, Historical Centre Centro Histórico La Cantonera.
Relevant clothing instructions:
In the archipelago, it is not very important the season of the year in which you travel to know what clothing is advisable to wear, since the climate of the Canary Islands is usually quite regular, arid, with little rainfall and with an average temperature of around 22ºC per year. In addition, thanks to the so-called Canarian Current it keeps the water temperature below that corresponding to its latitude, between 22°C in summer and 19°C in winter.
Some venues and parties may require you to wear a certain type of footwear or clothing in order to enter them. It is advisable to find out which venues and what type of clothing you need to wear in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
- What is traditional dress in the Canary Islands?
Traditional dress continues to manifest itself in popular festivals and celebrations such as the Canarian pilgrimages, as well as in the costumes of Canarian folklore and different cultural groups. There are small peculiarities that make it possible to distinguish the inhabitants of the islands and even, sometimes, of different regions or localities. - No specific clothing is required to access the emblematic places and/or historic buildings of Gran Canaria.
Download the Official Gran Canaria Tourism Website: for more details about the places you wish to visit, such as whether access requires an entrance fee or through a donation (by paying an extra fee or making a donation it can help protect local historical, archaeological, culturally and spiritually important buildings and places).
Count on us for anything you may need, and do not forget to put into practice these essential guidelines to be a responsible traveller.